Our Team is Our Superpower

We’re on this bookkeeping journey together and we want you to be a part of it.

Meet Suzanne

Family, Passion, and Growth

I started this business for the same reason many people do - family.

I wanted to invest in a career that I not only found challenging and rewarding, but that was flexible enough to work around my young family. 

Originally going to university to be a CPA, I decided bookkeeping was the area I was most passionate. Bookkeeping allowed me to work directly with business owners, solving their regular day to day issues and developing systems needed to succeed. 

Bookkeeping Solutions has grown steadily over the past 10 years with almost 100% of new business generated via referrals from happy clients and their accountants. We now have a trained team of dedicated bookkeepers serving those satisfied clients.  

 Our goal is simple, to help and delight our clients at every opportunity. 

 Let us do the same for you.

Meet Our Team


Suzanne, CEO

Unhealthy obsession with business.  Love to travel, drink tea, and read a good book.  And because I like to mix it up, I also enjoy roller coasters and my motorcycle!


A spreadsheet nerd who loves musicals, chocolate-covered raisins, Shakespeare comedies, movies, and reading books you can actually hold in your hand; oh, and my husband and four children.


I love coffee, my kids, camping, oh and my husband!


I love my husband, my 4 kids, a good book, camping, and order.  But, not necessarily in that order!


A curious explorer fuelled by endless cups of coffee, finding joy in books, walking and cherishing moments with my family.


Turns out travelling was not a college major, so Ellyse became a bookkeeper.


You can bribe me with chocolate anytime.


Coffee, my best friend when I first wake up in the morning.


Loves QuickBooks, Excel, tea and the beach. Preferably the ocean, but in a pinch a lake will do.

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Bookkeeping Solutions